
140 반대

You know what I mean? 무슨 뜻인지 알겠어요? This is hard to understand. 이해하기 어려워요.  =================================================================== I agree with you. 찬성해요. I'm against it. 저는 반대해요. =================================================================== I am with you. 찬성해요. I am opposed. 저는 반대해요.  =================================================================== Do whatever you want. 당신 마음대로 하세요.  I can't understand. 이해할 수 없어요.  =================================================================== Do you think so too? 당신 생각도 저와 같나요? It's too hard to understand. 이해하기 어려워요.  =================================================================== Is anyone against the motion? 반대 의견 있어요? I disagree. 저는 동의하지 않습니다.  =================================================================== It's not all that. 꼭 그렇지만도 않아요.  That's what you think. 그것은 당신 생각이예요.  No way. 당치도 않아요.  If I could say a few words... 제가 몇 말씀 드릴 수 있다면... Yes, go ahead. 네, 말씀해 보시죠. =================================================================== How about putting it like this? 이런 식으로 표현해 보는 것은 어떨까요? I hate to say this, but I'm against it. 유감스럽지만, 반대해요.