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    새나라의 어린이
    Children of the brand new land 새나라의 어린이는 They all wake up early 일찍 일어납니다 Nation with no sleepy heads
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    Moon~ what kind a moom 달달 무슨달 Round moom like a little tray 쟁반같이 둥근달 Where is it right now? 어디어디 떴나
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    If I could come out once on the TV 텔레비전에 내가 나왔으면 It would be so good~ It would be so good 정말 좋겠네 정말 좋겠네
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    엄매돼지 아기돼지
    Chubby wubby baby piggy 토실토실 아기돼지 wanna din-din oink oink oink 젖 달라고 꿀꿀꿀 Mommy piggy says o.k 엄마돼지
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    꿀밤 나무 밑에서
    Under the jumbo chestnut tree 커다란 꿀밤 나무 밑에서 It is just you and me 너하고 나하고 Let us have a friendly cha
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    어린 음악대
    Dadada, Dadada, with a little hand 따따따 따따따 주먹손으로 Dadada, Dadada, blowing trumpet now 따따따 따따따 나팔붑니다 Y
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    곰 세마리
    Three bears living in one house 곰 세마리가 한집에 있어 Daddy bear, mommy bear, baby bear 아빠곰 엄마곰 아기곰 Daddy be
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    리듬악기 노래
    Hit the big drum Boom Boom Boom 큰북을 울려라 둥둥둥 Hit the small drum Bam Bam Bam 작은북을 울려라 동동동 Castanets go
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    Twinkle Twinkle Little star 반짝반짝 작은별 Shining brightly in the sky 아름답게 비치네 It is shining from the eas
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    Rising Rising Aeroplane 떴다떴다 비행기 Fly away Fly away 날아라 날아라 Higher Higher fly away 높이높이 날아라 Our a
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