
103 옷가게, 신발가게

Can I try it on? 입어봐도 될까요? Sure. You can try it on in the fitting room. 물론이죠. 탈의실에서 입어 보세요. Where is the fitting room? 탈의실이 어디에요? This way, please. 이쪽으로 오세요.  ================================================================================= Can I try them on? 신어봐도 될까요? Sure. You can try them on here. 물론이죠. 여기서 신어 봐요.  ================================================================================= I want hiking boots. 저는 등산화를 원해요. What's your shoe size? 치수가 몇이에요? I wear an 8. 8이에요.  ================================================================================= I need some shoelaces for running shoes. 운동화 끈이 필요해요.  I think these are too big. 신발이 큰 것 같아요.  ================================================================================= For what occation? 어떤 때 입으시나요? It's for job interviews. 면접 때 입으려고요.  ================================================================================= It fits well. 이 옷이 딱 맞아요.  The clothes goes well with you. 너무 잘 어울리세요.  I don't think it suits me well. 저는 잘 어울린다고 생각하지 않아요.  ================================================================================= These shoes are perfect. 이 신발이 딱 맞아요. You look great in that. 너무 잘 어울리세요.  ================================================================================= What is if made of? 재질이 뭐예요? Cotton. 면이에요. Does this need to be dry-cleaned? 이건 드라이클리닝을 해야 하는 옷인가요?