
  • 리뷰이미지

    School bell\'s ringing Ding Ding Dong 학교 종이 땡땡땡 Let\'s all gather now 어서 모이자 Teacher\'s waiting in t
  • 리뷰이미지

    Mr.elephant\'s 코끼리 아저씨는 trunk is a hand 코가 손이래 When we give him a snack 과자를 주면은 he gets with his
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    얼룩 송아지
    Little calf Little calf 송아지 송아지 Spotted little calf 얼룩 송아지 Mama cow is spotted,too 엄마소도 얼룩소 You
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    우리 모두 다같이 손뼉을
    All together come on now clap your hands 우리모두 다같이 손뼉을 All together come on now clap your hands 우리모두 다같이
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    나비야 나비야
    Butterfly Butterfly 나비야 나비야 come and fly on over here 이리 날아 오너라 Yellow and white butterfly 노란 나비 흰
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    사과 같은 내 얼굴
    Like an apple is my face 사과 같은 내 얼굴 How I look so beautiful 예쁘기도 하구나 Eyes are shiny nose is shiny 눈
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    그대로 멈춰라
    Have some fun as you dance along 즐겁게 춤을 추다가 And I want you to stop 그대로 멈춰라 Have some fun as you danc
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    열꼬마 인디언
    One little, Two little, Three little Indians 한꼬마 두꼬마 세꼬마 인디언 Four little, Five little, Six little Indian
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    Jack rabbit Jack rabbit 산토끼 토끼야 Where are you going now 어디를 가느냐 Jumping Jumping everywhere 깡충 깡충 뛰면
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